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ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certifications

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Kewpump first obtained ISO 9001 certification from the year 2002 and currently holds the updated ISO 9001:2015 certification.


With this certification, Kewpump’s clients can be assured of consistent, reliable, high quality products and services.

1-InnoCERT Award (Rating AA)


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The 1-InnoCERT program was established by the government to identify and verify innovative companies through an internationally-recognised innovation standard (OECD Oslo Manual V3) and the certification process is developed from a similar process practised in Korea’s Innobiz (Innovation SME) Certification Programme.  Following a rigorous certification program, Kewpump’s innovative outlook and infrastructure to support this culture was rated and recognised through being given the Award with an ‘AA’ rating.

Malaysia Entreprise 50 Award

2006 & 2009

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In recognition of Kewpump's industry excellence and achievements in technology, innovation, management and market presence, SMEcorp (a body under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Malaysia) and Deloitte has presented Kewpump with the prestigious Malaysia Enterprise 50 2006/2009 Award Element Selection.

The Brandlaureate - SME Chapter

2007 & 2008

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For two consecutive years in 2007 & 2008, Kewpump was awarded the prestigious Brandlaureate award from The Asia Pacific Brands Foundation. The 2008 award was presented by Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Malaysia's Second Finance Minister, in recognition of brand excellence in Manufacturing - Pump Equipment.

The Malaysia Industry Excellence Award 2008

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This benchmark award, conferred by the Malaysia Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI) recognises the leader of industries in Malaysia.  Kewpump was awarded the Certificate of Excellence for Exports, presented by Tan Sri Dato' Muhyiddin Yassin, the then Minister of Trade and Industry, in recognition of achievements in product success in the export market.

MMEBA Gold Award


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Kewpump also received the esteemed MMEBA 2007 which was jointly bestowed by Malaysia International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI) and Lim Kok Wing University of Creative Technology for its brand performance and reputation.


We are gratified as the values behind the Kewpump brand are recognized and honoured by our industry partners.

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